How To Get Even With Your Car Insurance Company In 10 Easy Steps - Part 2

In Part 1, we detailed the first five strategies on how to cut your car insurance costs. In Part 2, we show you the second five.
STEP 6 - Review, Change or Cancel No Fault & PIP (Personal Injury Protection)
No-Fault Coverage, and it's Twin - PIP - started out as great idea's. Your premiums were actually going to be lowered. Then, your State Politicians got involved (at the urging of Insurance Lobbyists, of course) and mucked it up.
You see, no-fault insurance coverage was originally intended to have each individual's losses, covered by their own car insurance company - no matter who was at fault.
Today, in many States, car insurance companies are making a ton of money on no-fault because the insurance companies convinced State law-makers to make "modifications."
Today, because of the these changes, car insurance companies have actually used the no-fault laws to reduce payments on a claim made by a customer, instead of reducing car insurance premiums as it was supposed to do.
So, premiums keep going up-and-up and insurance companies end up paying less for claims - Someone's getting rich on that deal....and it's not you.
And to make matters worse, some States (with really, really talented Insurance Lobbyist's) also require an additional premium be paid on top of the no-fault premium. This beauty is called Personal Injury Protection (PIP).
PIP is a "wide-blanket" of coverage and can provide Collision Coverage, Hospitalization, Social Security Disability, Workers Comp, Personal Disability Insurance & Life Insurance.
The problem with PIP and what it covers is....
You already gave most, if not all, of these coverage's anyway, don't you? So, you're paying twice!
So, you need to do a couple of things:
Google "minimum levels of required auto insurance" to see if No-Fault Insurance and/or PIP Is required in your State;
Then, check your policy. If it's not required by your State to have No-Fault/PIP Coverage and it's on your policy - cancel it. If No-Fault/PIP is required by your State....take the absolute minimum. Here's how.
If you must have No-Fault/PIP, ask for and get a deductible from your car insurance company.
STEP 7 - Cancel Medical Coverage.
Medical Coverage, on most car insurance policies, is a promise to pay "reasonable" medical expenses for anyone who is riding in your car should you have an well as anyone in your car should it get hit by someone else.
Cancel it. You don't need it.
Why is that you say? Well, medical coverage as part of your car insurance policy is a duplicate of your own:
- Medical Plan; - Any Life Insurance Coverage you might have, as well as; - The Liability Sections of almost every car insurance policy written in the U.S.
Think of it this way....Do you have a Health/Medical/Hospitalization Plan through work or an Association you belong to?
Then why are you paying premiums for Medical/Hospitalization Coverage on your Car Insurance Policy?
Here's what's going to happen when you tell the car insurance company or Agent that you "Don't want the Hospitalization/Medical Coverage." You're going to hear very slick "scare tactics" to help change your mind.
The insurance company employee will say "Well, if you're in an accident, and it's your fault, who's going to cover the medical bills for any injured passengers in your car?"
Here's your answer. Your family is already covered by your Health/Hospitalization Plan. If anybody else is in the car and they're injured - they're covered by your Bodily Injury Liability coverage that you're already paying for....and their own Health/Hospitalization Plan.


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